I launched Fund it October 21st to help me release my new album which is recorded, mixed & mastered. By pledging a reward you will help towards the costs of artwork, manufacturing, merchandise, marketing, PR, website & touring costs. We’re 35% there with just under 17 days to go, however Fundit is an all or nothing platform so If I don’t make the total amount that it will cost to release the album then unfortunately I get nothing so I’m hoping that you will all support me by pre-ordering the album & also checking out some other really cool rewards you can pledge for.
Thank you so so much to the 63 of you lovely folk who have funded already, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.
One of my favourite tracks on the album is called ‘Never Say Goodbye’ which I have also decided to title the album. The song is a tribute to my dad who passed away in 2016 as it was with him I started this musical journey all those years ago.
Just click the link below & help me get it over the line
// Luan Parle // New Album – Pre-Order on Fundit.ie from luanparle on Vimeo.