Happy Friday everyone!!!
I hope you’re all doing well and looking forward to the bank holiday weekend.
I know I am, as I’ll be back on Ireland AM Virgin Media One (Saturday 2nd May) to play a little tune (an oldie) via my camera phone 🙂 Tune in from 10.30 am GMT.
How’s life in lock down for you all? I’ve been keeping myself busy with the lots of different things. I released the second single ‘Change Your Mind’ from the album April 10th and tried my hand at video editing. It was so much fun putting all your fabulous home video clips together and I really appreciate the incredible effort you all made. Last Sunday Eddie Rowley wrote a fabulous article in the Sunday World all about 106 year old Nancy Stewart (who featured in the video) for making her music video debut. If you missed it you can have a read below! Nancy is an inspiration to us all.

I streamed 4 live concerts with Clive Barnes from home (you can watch the last one here) and have really been enjoying taking part in all the zoom interviews and live performances for TV & radio these past few weeks. It’s made being off the road a little easier. I just recorded one with the lovely Fran Curry Tipp FM so will let you know when it’s being broadcast. You can download some tunes from this site.
Aside from work I’ve been doing the Joe Wicks (AKA The Body coach) PE workouts Monday to Friday which I absolutely LOVE and I’ve also really been enjoying the time to get creative in the kitchen (just as well I’ve been doing the workouts 🙂 🙂 ) so if you’ve any recipes to share please send them on.
That’s all for the moment folks….Stay home, stay safe and keep washing those hands. See ya tomorrow (Saturday) on Ireland AM Virgin Media One. I’ll give you all a wink and a wave 🙂
L xx
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